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8 coworking spaces in Tashkent for freelancers, IT specialists and creative people


8 coworking spaces in Tashkent for freelancers, IT specialists and creative people

If you didn't know where to work in silence and with a good Internet, this review is made for you. Coworking is also a great place for new acquaintances.

Ground zero, @groundzerouz

Ground zero

Ground Zero is two large co-working spaces in the center of the capital.

There is high-speed Internet, printer, scanner, coffee machine, and most importantly — you can immerse yourself in the world of reading, as there is a huge library inside.

IMPACT.T, @impacttuz


IMPACT.T is a coworking that has recently opened. Here you can work in a pleasant atmosphere, hold a meeting or prepare for an important event. There is also a huge terrace with a view of the city.

C-space, @cspaceuz


This is a network of coworking with three branches throughout the city. C-Space also provides open and closed rooms equipped according to the latest ergonomics standards.

Hub.module, @hub.module


This is a coworking, where you can find peace of mind and comfortably immerse yourself in work.

Qollab.coworking, @qollab.coworking


A two-storey institution, inside which, in addition to the workspace, there is a meeting room and a cozy kitchen.

Bunker Coworking, @bunker_coworking

Bunker Coworking

This is an atmospheric coworking that offers workplaces, conference rooms, as well as an amphitheater.

Shakespear.uz, @shakespear.uz


Here you will find a cozy coworking area located in the very center of the city. Here you can not only work effectively, but also read books.

UWorkuz, @uworkuz


Photo credits: @rakhmnva_lawyer

Coworking for solving business problems of different formats. Foreign citizens can also rent for negotiations for 15 people. You can choose from an office, a private workplace or a place at a common table.

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