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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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7 common traditions of the Turkic people


7 common traditions of the Turkic people

Animal sacrifice

It is traditional for Turkic people to sacrifice an animal and donate the meat to the poor. The sacrifices usually made at the end of Ramadan, during the Nowruz celebration, and at other times if for example, you want your daughter to get married or get a good job.


Turkic people are famous for their hospitality. Turkic people respectful to any guest, even if it is an uninvited guest. Hospitality is an ancient and important tradition and feature of Turkic people, observed for many centuries.


Nikah is a traditional Muslim wedding observed in Turk countries. Nikah is held at home or in a mosque by Mullah. A festive wedding table consists of national dishes.


It is an important tradition for parents, who want their son to get married, they visit the potential wife and her family at home to inspect and ask for her hand. In these courtship scenes, it’s traditional for the bride-to-be to make tea and serve it to her future in-laws, while they get to have a close look at her.


It is a ceremony observed by Muslims. The ceremony of newborn naming is held with the invitation of the Mullah and honorable elders, relatives, and neighbors.

Respect for elders

Turkic people treat elders with special respect. They sit in the most honorable places at the table. Elders are given the first word on holidays and weddings.


One of the important events in a boy’s life. Being circumcised marks the transition toward manhood. According to tradition, boys who are to be circumcised get to wear the white flashy outfit and celebrate this event.

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