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7 alternative places for walking in Nur-Sultan


7 alternative places for walking in Nur-Sultan

Akbulak river embankment


It is a little known place among residents, but popular with those who live in the area. It is an ideal place for family and romantic walks. There are comfortable benches, a monument to Zhambyl Zhabayev, a bright Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and Alatau sports palace.

Address: along Tashenov Street

Seasons of the Years Park

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This cozy park is located on the river embankment. In this park, you can have picnics, family walks, and outdoor workouts.

Address: Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, corner of Tashenov Street, right embankment.

Students’ Park


The Students’ park next to the Kazakhstan sports palace has good green spaces, a convenient location of benches, children’s play, and sports grounds, which allows residents to have a good time and do sports outdoors.

Address: Munaitpasov Street

Peace and unity Alley

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A beautiful alley stretching from the Astana Ballet Theater to the Expo territory. On the alley, many fountains work with music, interesting paths and picnic areas.

Address: from Uly Dala street to Nur Alem Pavillion

Aray Park


This park is located in the city center. The park has all the amenities for family walks, a skate park, a pump track, and a football field.

Address: 13 Sarayshyk Street

Flower garden alley

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The main attraction of this garden is the Flower of the East, which is a pedestrian art object. In the park, you can take a walk with your family and have picnics. In addition, there are lots of photo places.

Address: in front of the building of the Ministry of Finance

Ulytau Alley

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On the alley, there is a copy of the stone that was found at the Altyn Shoky peak. In the center of the alley, there are copies of the world famous monuments of Ulytau: the Terektigulie and Baikogyr petroglyphs, etc. Here you can go for a walk and relax from the bustle of the city.

Address: between the Arc de Triomphe and the Botanical Garden

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