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  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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5 unique agencies that will help you in PR, marketing and SMM in the Kazakhstan market


5 unique agencies that will help you in PR, marketing and SMM in the Kazakhstan market

In Kazakhstan, the advertising market is actively developing, today there are many interesting and worthy agencies that provide services in the field of marketing and PR. Here are a few of those that we recommend paying attention to.

WE communication agency


WE is a communications agency that has a wide network of business contacts in Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries. The agency specializes in pr-support of foreign brands in new unfamiliar markets. The agency's portfolio also includes its own media publication about the people of Central Asia with an audience of more than 500,000 monthly readers.


- PR support and work with the media

- Influence Marketing

- organization of business contacts

- development of a creative strategy, adaptation to the market

- media buying

Contacts: sales@wecom.agency

Power Media


The advertising agency is part of the Nur.kz IT holding, and the company's portfolio also includes the Genesis Studio MCN project, an affiliate program that directly works with the YouTube platform and helps Kazakhstani bloggers and media to promote on the platform. The company has extensive experience in launching advertising campaigns on the platform.


- advertising on the Nur.kz website

- YouTube advertising

- media buying

Contacts: info@corp.nur.kz



JAS is a young SMM agency that entered the market from a sensational project in Almaty on social networks - "Green Bazaar". The founders of the agency created a page on social networks for the Green Bazaar and did not fully disclose the intrigues about who is running it. Today the agency's portfolio includes works with such brands as Lenovo, Kazakhyuvelir, Mary Kay and many others.



- production

- consulting in the field of digital promotion

Contacts: hello@jas.agency



Good is an advertising agency from Almaty, which has been developing brands, restyling and bringing them to the market of Kazakhstan for more than 15 years. If you are familiar with the brands Amanat, Samal, Buratino, KeruenCity, Chaplin Cinemas, then you are familiar with the Good agency.


- strategic consulting

- strategic marketing

- developing brands and bringing them to the market

Contacts: hello@good.kz



The agency has been working in the market of Kazakhstan since 2006, it all started with the development of design and creatives for advertising. Today it is a full cycle advertising agency that has implemented many projects for ForteBank, KazkomBank, Beeline and many other brands in the country.


- complex advertising campaigns

- branding and corporate identity development

- corporate publications

- audio and video production

- interactive digital development

- Industrial Design

Contacts: info@movators.com

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