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5 language schools in Almaty where you can learn Kazakh


5 language schools in Almaty where you can learn Kazakh

We tell you in which language schools in Almaty the Kazakh language is taught.

"СпасиBeaucoup", @spasibeaucoup

"СпасиBeaucoup"has been teaching people foreign languages since 2013. There is an opportunity to study online and offline in Almaty.

InterPress, @interpress_official

Both children and adults are taught here. In the language center you can take international exams.

Just Speak It, @just_speak_it

Just Speak It has 10 branches in Almaty. Classes are held in groups of 6 to 12 people. The duration of one lesson is 60 minutes.

Soyle, @soyle.kz

Online courses of the Kazakh language. There is a lot of interesting and useful information on the project page.

APPLE Education, @zebra_education_almaty

In the network of language schools, training takes place in online and offline formats. There are comfortable audiences, an author's program and qualified teaching staff.

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