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5 famous chefs of Kyrgyzstan


5 famous chefs of Kyrgyzstan

Gathered the coolest representatives of domestic gastronomy.

Shuhrat Sharipov, @shuhrat.sharipov01

Shukhrat is the chairman of the Association of Chefs of the Kyrgyz Republic, an honorary member of the associations of chefs. Shukhrat worked in the first currency restaurant in Kyrgyzstan, and years later he prepared dishes for the heads of state. He also participated in the preparation of the historical beshbarmak weighing more than a ton, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Ravil Tenishev, @rtenishev


Ravil is one of the few culinary specialists in the country who does not skimp on the highest quality products. He likes to introduce clients to molecular cuisine, outlandish products and expensive wine.

Berik Eginbaev, @berikeginbaev

Berik is one of the best cooks in Kyrgyzstan. He is the President of the Association of Chefs of the Kyrgyz Republic. Each time he represents the country at international competitions.

Dariy Kozhukhov, @dariy_azretovich

Darius has a special education, he was trained in Moscow by the famous confectioner Alexander Kislitsyn. The Kyrgyzstani has several medals in various nominations, the title of "Chef of the Year" — 2013 and the best "Pastry Chef".

Emil Dzhangirov, @djangirov__official


Emil is the brand chef of the Kaynar Group restaurant chain. Gold medalist of the chef ala Russe competition and the Kremlin Cup. Silver medalist of the World Cup.

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