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5 equestrian national sports of Kazakhstan


5 equestrian national sports of Kazakhstan


The most popular and common horse-competition with different kinds depending on the distance of the horse-races. A rider driving a horse and regulating its speed at all distances must be the first to lead the horse to the finish. At the same time, horse-races at lesser distances in which any who wants can take part are held practically during every holiday. There are class distances for 7, 12 and 16 kilometers. Alaman baiga is a horse-race at long and great distances 25 kilometers and more, one of the ancient kinds of contests. Alaman-baiga is one of the most difficult and exhausting kinds of horse-races. Also exist kunan baiga is a horse-races from one and a half to two kilometers, donen baiga is from two and a half to five kilometers, and at baige the distance of which varies from five to eight kilometers.

Zhamby atu

Archery accuracy competition. The conditions of the game can change depending on the event, therefore the participants can compete on horseback or foot. The key point of the game is a valuable prize, set at a certain height. A participant who could hit it from a certain distance and position took the prize.


Kazakh national sports game, the point of which is in wrestling during horseback riding. In audaryspak participate two riders or more. During the game, they must push each other out of the saddle. The main point of the game is confidence in the saddle and good horseback riding skills. The game audaryspak helped to maintain the physical form of warriors and develop dexterity and courage.


This is a struggle on horseback for a goat carcass. In this game participate teams from neighbor villages. One of the riders gallops off ahead with the dead goat; then others of a team set off after him.

To win, they need a swift horse to catch up the rider with the goat and they also must be skilled, experienced horsemen so as not to be thrown off in the heat of the struggle. It is one of the most popular Kazakh national games.

Kyz kuu

A traditional sports game with elements of horse racing. The main point is to chase a girl and kiss her on the cheek. A man and a woman on horseback are chasing each other. In the first part of the game, man has to catch up with the woman before they reach the finish line. If he does, he may kiss her, which constitutes victory. However, if he has not caught up to her by the time, they reach the finish line, the woman turns around and chases man back to the starting line. If she is in a range of the man, she may use her whip to beat him, which signifies a victory for her.

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