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4 new web series that are watched in Kazakhstan


4 new web series that are watched in Kazakhstan

What new series can be watched by those who live in Kazakhstan.

"Biznes po-kyzdarski", UIDE

The landlord evicts Zhanara and her son due to non-payment of rent. Not knowing where to go, she asks her friend Nurgula to live temporarily. After assessing the whole situation, a friend offers to work as a nanny for her superiors' family. Coming to the interview, Zhanara realizes that she has no chance, but still finds an approach to the son of the hostess of the house.

"Room 209", kak budto

The main character of the series is an ordinary first—year student who, after graduation, settled in one of the university dormitories. A young man gets used to independent life, so everything around him seems unusual and new.

"AuylBAY", bayGUYS

A girl named Aliya gets into a car accident. She is rescued by Bagzhan and Ilyas. Waking up in the village, Aliya loses her memory. From this moment the village life of a city girl begins.

"Appak kelin", SALEM

A small Kazakh village where Kamazhai lives, a woman with a firm and domineering character. She keeps the traditions of her people sacred. Soon her son should bring his daughter-in-law to the house. Kamazhai is sure that he will choose a modest and obedient Kazakh woman as his wife. But her dreams remain dreams.

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