Daria Frolova, Antalya, manager, blogger, @dariafrovola
I was born and raised in Vladivostok, Russia. After graduating from the university, I moved to St. Petersburg to develop my career in Hospitality. I worked for two best luxury hotels in Russia: Belmond Grand Hotel Europe and Lotte Hotel St. Petersburg as a Guest Relations Manager. Before moving to Turkey, I founded online branding studio Hardy Branding together with my boyfriend. Nowadays I work as Client Relations Manager in our company and responsible for all communications and e-commerce. I also work as a blogger, promote Turkey on my Instagram, and on YouTube channel The Passeggiata.
About moving
I have always dreamed about living abroad. When I met my boyfriend, we considered moving to Thailand or Turkey because of the pleasant climate and ability to live by the sea. We picked Turkey because it was easier getting documents. Here we can get resident permit based on our apartment rent contract. Plus Turkey is very close to Europe, so we can visit our families or go to vacation any time we want. We are living in Antalya for almost a year. Our resident permits will expire in August and we are planning to prolong them at least for one more year.

I was impressed by the incredible nature and the amount of parks and places organized for people.
About difficulties
Lack of information. You cannot just google necessary information, you have to physically go and check everything by yourself. This is actually the main reason why I started my blog. Second is language barrier. I would say it took me a month to learn the necessary basic phrases to feel comfortable in a restaurant, grocery store and pharmacy. Third is no time management. Your painter might say he will come back in 5 min and come back at 5 o’clock instead. You can waste a whole day waiting for someone.
Next is different attitude towards foreigners. Some services can be paid only with a local bankcard. You cannot get home internet before you receive a resident permit. Foreign phones are being blocked after 180 days of staying in the country. Numerous additional charges and taxes exist only for foreigners.
About differences
Chaotic public transportation. I heard a lot about great transportation services in Antalya but it turned out that people were talking about quantity of public transport and not quality. Bus stops do not have names, but long numbers are impossible to remember and some places around the city are still unreachable by public transportation.
They are never in a hurry and it was something I had to adapt to
About similarities
I think both Russians and Turkish people are very inventive and can get out of any situation using their basic knowledge.
About people
Turkish people really have their own art of living. My heart is filled with joy when I see elderly people sitting on the benches and watching sunsets or young couples spending evening by listening to the waves and drinking hot tea on the beach. They are never in a hurry and it was something I had to adapt to. Living in Antalya for a year, I started practicing slow living as well.
What I like there
Public spaces. We live in the most comfortable neighborhood in Antalya with incredible Konyaalti Beach Park. Actually, this park was one of the reasons we picked Antalya.
Interesting story
Once we went to explore ancient city Perge on the outside of Antalya. We were amazed by well-preserved ancient ruins. We are almost about to leave and we saw a giant turtle on our way. I have never seen a turtle in a natural habitat and was impressed to see it in the middle of the ancient city. However, it turned out that a river was flowing through this city and turtles lived there. At that moment I felt like a Disney princess.
Wioleta Turgut, Konya, copywriter, blogger, @mieszkamwturcji
People called me Wiola. It is much easier, especially abroad. I am from Poland. I grew up in beautiful area full of forests called Bory Tucholskie in northern part of the country. I spent the last years before emigration in Bydgoszcz city. I studied and worked there. I am currently working as a copywriter for customers from Poland. I work from home. In free time,I am writing blog and I am showing my life in Turkey on my Instagram.
I have lived in the central part of Turkey for over three years. I moved here because of my husband. We met over seven years ago. In that time, he studied at my university as an Erasmus student. We have been in a distance relationship for around four years. I flew to Turkey, he flew to Poland. After this time, we found that it is starting to be tiring and it is time to change something. Due to the difficult situation in the family, my husband could not move to Poland, which is why I decided to move to Turkey. We currently live in Beysehir in the province of Konya. This is my husband's hometown. We got married here. And here our daughter was born.
About first impression
First time in Turkey, I was in 2014. It was in Mugla. My husband studied there. I was positively surprised. Beautiful views, great people, delicious food. Soon after, I came to Beysehir for the first time. I knew it was a conservative place, but it made a good impression on me.
About difficulties
The hardest part was the fact that almost nobody speaks English here. You need to know Turkish to get something done in a shop, office or hospital. At the beginning, I did not know Turkish well, that is why it was hard for me. My husband had to help me everywhere.
About differences
Beysehir is a small city. We do not have skyscrapers, shopping centers or cultural institutions like theater, museum here. Until recently, there was no cinema either. However, in the city center there is a beautiful and huge park with a lake. In Poland, I was used to living in a big city.
They always want to help and will do everything to try to solve your problem
About similarities
I think you can find many similarities between Poles and Turks. Both nations are certainly very hospitable and enjoy spending time with family and friends
About people
Life in Beysehir is calm. People have time for everything. I love Turkish picnics. I love how Turks have a great time at weddings. I value them because they always want to help and will do everything to try to solve your problem. Turks are always cheerful and joyful. On the other hand, I have the impression that people here are more attached to tradition and known solutions than to new things. In my city,it is hard to find restaurants that serve non-Turkish food. Sometimes I miss Italian pasta or sushi.
What I like here
Certainly the weather. Long hot summer, short winter. Plenty of sunshine. The autumn and winter period in Poland can be very depressing. There is not too much sun; it is cloudy, rainy or snowy. Although I must admit that last winter here surprised me a lot. Both the temperature and the amount of snow. And of course everywhere they ask if you want to drink tea.
Interesting story
In some situations, I like that Turks do not always stick to the rules. I have nice memory from the last visit to the migration office, where we were able to settle our stuff, mainly because we had a small child.
In Beysehir, I am the only Polish woman. That makes people remember me easily. This, of course, has its pros and cons. I usually do not have to introduce myself because they already know me.
Sanne Buyukbiyik, Alanya, freelancer, @danskityrkiet.dk
I am 33 years old and from Denmark. I live in Alanya together with my Turkish husband and our crazy cat. I love to travel around in Turkey and discover new places. I run several websites including my personal website about living in Turkey. The websites provide some revenue through affiliate marketing. In addition, I am a freelance copywriter.
I moved to Turkey in 2015, but my dream about moving here started many years before. This is my second time living in Turkey. First time was in 2007, where I worked as a guide for a Danishtravel agency for 8 months. Since I first visited Turkey in 2006, I have been fascinated by the country. Turkey has so much to offer, in terms of history, culture, beautiful nature, a culinary cuisine and a great hospitality. I moved here because of the fascination of the country, later I found love here.
About first impression
That it is very hot here — my first trip here was during the summer. Some of my first impressions was the beautiful nature and the great hospitality of the Turks.
About difficulties
My patience was tested a lot in the beginning. To move here gave a meeting with how difficult the Turkish system can be. Just opening a bank account requires a lot of paperwork. Alanya is a tourist area and in the beginning, you have to find out whom you can trust.
About differences
I started traveling to Turkey in 2006 and the infrastructure then was a lot different than today. Just having to take a city bus was an experience.Today the buses are much more modern. I also remember that the roads from Antalya to Alanya were in poorer condition. Then I remember the fascination of how easy it was to call for a taxi. To take a taxi in Turkey is also much cheaper than in Denmark.
The Turks are very familiar and have a great respect for the older generation
About similarities
Compared to Denmark, the culture is quite different. Women and men are equal in Denmark. Then Danes like to be there on time. If a Dane says, “meet at 5:00” they mean 05:00, even for social events. If you want to meet up with friends, you usually make an appointment. Showing up un announced at your friend’s place for a quick chat is not really the norm.
About people
The Turks are very familiar and have a great respect for the older generation. Many Turks live more simply and do not think as much about brands and material things as Danes.
What I like there
The Turkish food and the amazing nature. Turkey is a big country and there is so much to see here. I am specially a big fan of the area Cappadocia. The Turks have a greater hospitality than the Danes do and they can always find time to drink tea. In Denmark, it requires more planning to meet with friends and family.