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24-hour veterinary clinics in Almaty, where you can go at any time


24-hour veterinary clinics in Almaty, where you can go at any time

Round-the-clock pet clinics in Almaty are a reliable help for your pet at any time of the day and night. In our selection we present six best clinics ready to provide qualified support and care for your pet 24/7.

Pet health

Pet health plays an important role in many people's lives. After all, our furry friends not only bring joy and comfort to our homes, but also become family members on whom we rely heavily. Therefore, it is important to pay proper attention to taking care of their health.

Regular visits to the veterinarian can help keep our animals healthy. Doctors are able to detect problems early and offer appropriate treatment or prevention. It is also important to monitor the diet and provide pets with better activity and exercise. The price for an initial examination at veterinary clinics varies depending on the level of the clinic and the experience of the veterinarian.

The best vet clinics in Almaty

Regular hygiene also plays a key role in keeping pets healthy. This includes bathing, clipping nails, brushing teeth and grooming the coat. Remember that caring for pets is not only a concern, but also a responsibility, and the price for these procedures can vary.

Avoiding dangerous situations and providing a safe environment are also important to the health of our pets. A prompt call to a specialist at veterinary clinics can save your pet's life in a critical situation. If your pet's condition suddenly deteriorates, don't delay in calling a veterinarian from the nearest veterinary clinic. Preventing accidents and illnesses helps ensure a longer and better life for our furry friends.

How often you should bring your pet to the veterinarian

Regular visits to the veterinarian have become an important part of caring for our pets' health. However, the frequency of these visits can depend on a number of factors, including your pet's age, breed, health and lifestyle. Vet clinics offer a variety of pet health packages, and the price of each package depends on the procedures included. Vet clinics also offer 24-hour veterinarian house calls for pet emergencies.

Annual vet checkups are usually recommended for all pets. During these visits, the doctor examines the pet, administers vaccinations if necessary, and makes recommendations for care. The best veterinary clinics have a flexible discount system, which allows you to reduce the price for comprehensive treatment of the pet.

Young animals, especially those under a year old, may require more frequent visits for vaccinations and growth and developmental monitoring. Some veterinarians price pet vaccinations to include a full set of required immunizations.

Older pets or those with chronic conditions may need more frequent checkups and treatments, perhaps every six months or even more often.

In the case of problematic symptoms such as refusal to eat, changes in behavior, or visible changes in health, it is best to make a house call to the veterinarian.

In general, the frequency of veterinary visits should be determined individually for each pet in conjunction with the veterinarian, taking into account the pet's needs and characteristics.

Best 24-hour veterinary clinics in Almaty

Choose a veterinary clinic with a convenient address for you to get there quickly in case of need. Also, some veterinary clinics offer a service of calling a veterinarian at home for the convenience of pet owners. The address of each veterinary clinic can be found in online maps, making it easy to find the right facility.

"Simba", @vet.simba_almaty

Where: Mamyr-4, 112, Mamyr mkr.

The clinic in Almaty offers an extensive list of round-the-clock veterinary services for pets: therapy, surgery, X-ray, ultrasound, qualified specialists, pet hospital, hygienic haircut. Your pet will be in the safe hands of experienced veterinarians, and modern equipment guarantees quality and timely treatment. The website of the veterinary clinic has all contact information, including address and mode of operation.

Pet health in Almaty

"Vera", @vetclinika_vera_gagarina

Where: Gagarina Ave. 74, 2 office.

The veterinary center provides a full range of services from vaccinations to complex surgical operations. There are three branches in Almaty, which work around the clock. A pet store and a pharmacy operate at the clinic. You will receive a full range of medical services: from emergency care and diagnostics to surgery and prevention. Experienced specialists and modern equipment guarantee your pet quality treatment and comfortable stay.

"Bioritm", @bioritm_vet

Where: 54, Bokeykhanov St.

"Biorit" is a multidisciplinary round-the-clock clinic. It provides comprehensive treatment of pets, from vaccination to complex surgical operations. The clinic employs experts from various veterinary fields, the profile of each of whom can be found on social networks.

"Hit", @hit_hospital.kz

Where: 388 Bokeykhanov St.

Veterinary clinic with a wide range of services for your pets, including 24-hour emergency care, diagnostics, surgery, therapy and prevention. Experienced veterinarians and state-of-the-art equipment ensure your pet's quick recovery and comfortable stay.

"Talisman", @vetclinic.kz

Where: ul. Akhmetova, 2

Veterinary clinic "Talisman" opened its doors on February 1, 2017 and is ready to receive your pets every day, without breaks and weekends. The optimal location of the veterinary clinic in Almaty will allow you to get to the place without traffic jams at any time of the day. There is also a pharmacy and pet store available around the clock. In "Talisman" you can buy the necessary drugs and feed even deep at night.

All specialists of the clinic have higher education in their field, in addition, every year they take advanced training courses, participate in conferences and internships in the best veterinary clinics in Russia and Europe.

MedVet, @medvet.kz

Where: 54/1v Luganskogo str.

The clinic is based on a simple foundation — a commitment to the principles of evidence-based medicine. MedVet believes that treatment should be stress-free and creates an environment that makes everyone feel comfortable.

In addition to generalist doctors, the clinic has developed sub-specialties in veterinary medicine — ophthalmology, dentistry, dermatology, traumatology, orthopedics and oncology. For convenience, the clinic has a pet store with a wide range of food, accessories, medicines and cosmetics for pets. They work around the clock.

To sum up

Regular visits to the veterinarian have become an important aspect of caring for the health of our pets. The optimal frequency of these visits depends on the age, health status, breed and lifestyle of the pet. Annual check-ups provide an opportunity for early detection and treatment of problems, and allow the veterinarian to recommend the best care for the pet. Younger animals and older individuals or those with chronic conditions may require more frequent visits. It is also important to respond to any changes in your pet's behavior or health and contact the doctor immediately if necessary. In general, periodic visits to the veterinarian contribute to the health and well-being of pets, and an individualized approach to determining the frequency of visits is tailored to each animal's needs.

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