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14 business events, forums and festivals in Central Asia in June


14 business events, forums and festivals in Central Asia in June

From music festivals to plas-forums: a selection of events for June in Central Asian megacities.


Central Eurasian Venture Forum, @cevf_2024

When and where: June 7, Almaty

Central Eurasian Venture Forum is a unique platform for entrepreneurs, businessmen, media personalities and startups ready to change the world. The richest and most successful people in the industry will meet here in an informal atmosphere - first on the stage by the lake, and later at the VIP dinner and secret afterparty.

Skriptonit's solo concert

When and where: June 9, Astana

Big solo concert of Skriptonit. On this day, on the stage of Barys Arena, the audience will hear all the hits of the famous singer.

Moldanazar solo concert, @moldanazar

When and where: June 15, Almaty

Concert of Moldanazar band, which is known for its unique style, mixing different genres, from melodic rock to intense metal.

Sxodim Fest, @sxodim.fest

When and where: June 15, Almaty

Sxodim Fest is an outdoor youth music festival of the “Let's Go!” media group. Extensive area for recreation with friends: delicious food, activities, outdoor entertainment, performances, contests and much more. Fly Project, Captown, Pompeya have been announced among the line-up so far.

Astana Half Marathon, @almatymarathon

When and where: June 16, Astana

A large-scale running event for sports lovers. The route of the race is laid along the most iconic landmarks of Astana. This year 6000 athletes from more than 20 countries will take to the start line.

ALMATY CROSSROADS, @almaty.crossroads

When and where: June 17-23, Almaty

Restaurant company abr. and Almaty Tourism Bureau are taking the Almaty Crossroads festival of urban culture to a new level: a large-scale conference will be held on June 22 at Abay KazNTOB, and from June 17-23 — a series of gastronomic dinners in city locations and restaurants.

New Vision Business Forum, @newvisionforum

When and where: June 28-29, Almaty

New Vision Forum is the largest business forum in Eurasia, providing new knowledge, tools and networking in the age of innovation. It features more than 50 speakers and 1000 investors.


Game EXPO Fest, gamefest.uz

When and where: June 4, Tashkent

The first International Festival of Games and Animation — this initiative aims to promote the creative economy in Uzbekistan and abroad. Special attention is paid to the key role of the games industry and its profound impact on the global economy.

Plus Forum, @plus_forum

When and where: June 12-13, Tashkent

Digital Uzbekistan is dedicated to key issues of interaction between government agencies, banking sector and trade retail. Among its strategic objectives is to give an additional impetus to the development of Uzbekistan's economy and to promote international cooperation in the field of banking and financial technologies.

Comic Con Tashkent, @tashkentcomiccon

When and where: June 15, Tashkent

Comic Con Tashkent is a festival of popular art, movies, comics, video games and animation, where everyone can contribute to geek culture, find like-minded people and see the stars.

Aral Sea Marathon, @prorun.uz

When and where: June 16, Aral Sea

In 2024, the marathon will be open to the public for the first time. Its organizer personally ran a full marathon in 2023 on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought to draw attention to the region's environmental problems. This year's race will be open to 100 runners.

Bakr Concert

When and where: June 22, Tashkent

Bakr became famous in 2021. The first video was recorded by the author on his phone camera. In a few months, the video was viewed by more than a million viewers. Now his repertoire includes such songs as “Don't Lei”, “Distance”, “Lilac”, “Vredina” and many others. The artist's first solo concert in Tashkent will be held at the Uzbekistan State Tennis Club.


Bishkek International Film Festival, @bishkekfilmfest

When and where: June 11-15, Bishkek

A significant cultural and image event of international scale. Serves as an effective platform for bringing together film professionals from all over the world. The festival aims to draw attention to the capital of Kyrgyzstan and the entire Central Asian region.



When and where: June 8, Baku

The festival will take place at Sea Breeze Resort, a resort complex on the Caspian Sea coast. This event is a unique format featuring a series of live performances by popular artists. Among the performers: Elman, Andro, Mona, Toni, Bahh Tee & Turken, Ellai, Murad Arif and Hiss.

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