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10 athletes under 21 that Kazakhstan proud of


10 athletes under 21 that Kazakhstan proud of

Zhibek Kulumbetova, age 12, jiu-jitsu


A two-time world champion, she won many national and international competitions in two years.

Alan Kurmangaliev, age 12, tennis

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Alan was named the best young tennis player by the results of Hopes Week. He won a silver medal at the world table tennis tournament of the ITTF World Hopes Week and Challenge in Oman.

Meruert Kamalidenova, age 14, chess

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Student of the capital's Central Chess Club, champion of Kazakhstan in classical chess. The chess-player won gold at the Junior World Championship in India in the women's under-14 category.

Abilmansur Batyrgali, age 17, karate

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Bronze medalist of the Youth Olympic Games in karate-do in Buenos Aires, bronze medalist of the Youth Asian Championship in Japan. As well as the winner of the World Cup in several countries.

Tamila Muridova, age 18, fencing

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Master of sports of international class in fencing, bronze medalist of the world championship among teenagers and cadets, master of sports of international class, winner of the Asian Championship, member of the national team.

Bekarys Saduakas, age 18, judo

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He won the first gold medal at the III Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires. And also became the Best Young Athlete of Kazakhstan in 2018. He holds the first position of the rating of the International Judo Federation in the weight category up to 90 kilograms.

Andrey Chugay, age 19, cycling

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Bronze medalist of the World Championship and winner of the Asian Championship. This year brought he won a gold medal at the World Cycling Championships in South Korea.

Elizabeth Tursynbayeva, age 19, figure skating

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Winner of the title of the best young athlete in Kazakhstan. The first adult figure skater in history to perform a quadruple Salchow at an official competition. Vice-champion of the world 2019, silver medalist of the Four Continents Championship, silver medalist of the Winter Universiade 2019, bronze medalist of the II Winter Youth Olympic Games and bronze medalist of the Asian Winter Games 2017.

Alisher Yergali, age 20, wrestling

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He brought to the team of Kazakhstan on wrestling the license for the Olympic Games, the multiple winner of the championships.

Bauyrzhan Zhauyntaev, age 21, judo

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World cadet champion, Asian champion, winner of the 2014 Youth Olympic Games. Master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan of international class. The first Kazakh cadet who stood on the top of the World Championship pedestal.

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